Since the "REGISTER HERE" option doesn't connect to the website we have thought of another way for you to register for on Cool-WoW.
Just send an E-mail to one of these addresses. We will need the following in the e-mail: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your account details will be saved and stored in the database. |
Cool WoW starting is delayed because of the virus that infected our database, we apologize for the inconvenience.
We hope server will be Up-And-Running soon. Thank you for your patience. |
Sup guys , me and Eddy will be on Teamspeak and Xfire aswell, you guys can come join us on these chat/mic-chat programs, although we can't guarantee that we will be online at all times.
If you have a microphone and you would like to come chat with us or ask questions then download Teamspeak from the following link : Please register at For those who don't have microphones we have joined Xfire and you guys can come chat with us for either questions or information. |
The version of Cool WoW server is:
The Burning Crusade 2.4.3 We decided to use 2.4.3 because it has better repacks than the 3.x.x does. |
This server will soon be on.. Please Comment and Rate so I can see that someone is actually here :) Thanks!
Our e-mail & MSN: DOWNLOAD HAMACHI Hamachi server: CoolWoW 1 Hamachi password: 123 CASE SENSITIVE! Attachments: Image 1